D Creation: Silent Echoes
Jarmo Panula
D-A: Red Pigs
Mika Roth
D-A: Sukeltaja-EP
Janne Kuusinen
D.O.P.A.: Vivid Dreams
Mika Roth
D:A:D: Scare Yourself
Minna Auvinen
D:A:D: Soft Dogs
Miika Jalonen
Daan: The Player
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dada Pogrom: Apocalypso
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dada Pogrom: Rats Live On No Evil Star
Mika Roth
Dadao Trio: Dadao Meets People (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dadao trio: What? A Fucker Asking Questions
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daft Punk: Human After All
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daft Punk: Musique Vol.1 1993-2005
Jari Jokirinne
Daft Punk: Tron - Legacy
Tommi Saarikoski
Daggerplay: Subterranean Reality
Mika Roth
Daggerplay: Urban Campfire Songs
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dagoba: What Hell Is About
Mika Roth
Dai Kaht: Dai Kaht II
Mika Roth
Daikini: LP
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daisy: A Girl’s Best Friend
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daisy: Daydream
Antti Hurskainen
Daisy: It´s About Time
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daisy: Ornament and Crime
Mika Roth
Dala Doli: Päkäprässi
Jani Ekblom
Dallapé: Jälleen soittaa Dallapé
Janne Kuusinen
Dallas Kalevala: Dallas Kalevala
Mika Roth
Damage S.F.P.: Damage S.F.P.
Mika Roth
Damien Jurado: Saint Bartlett
Jani Ekblom
Damn Seagulls: Hunting Season
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Damn Seagulls: Once Upon A Time (CDS)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Damn Seagulls: Soul Politics
Tuomas Tiainen
Damnation Plan: Reality Illusion
Mika Roth
Damon & Naomi On Tour With Kurihara: Song To The Siren: Live In San Sebastian
Jari Jokirinne
Damon Albarn: Dr Dee
Jani Ekblom
Dan Deacon: Gliss Riffer
Mika Roth
Dan Deacon: Mystic Familiar
Mika Roth
Dan Deagh Wealcan: Who Cares What Music Is Playing In my Headphones?
Mika Roth
Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip: The Logic of Chance
Tommi Saarikoski
Dan Mangan & Blacksmith: Club Meds
Mika Roth
Dan Mangan: More or Less
Mika Roth
Dana Fuchs: Love to Beg
Tuomas Tiainen
DanAstroid: Eteer
Mika Roth
Daniel Martin Moore: In The Cool Of The Day
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Daniel Martin Moore: Stray Age
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Danko Jones: B-sides
Ville Kuitunen
Danko Jones: Below The Belt
Tomi Wahlroos
Danko Jones: Electric Sounds
Mika Roth
Danko Jones: Never Too Loud
Jari Jokirinne
Danny Lips: Balancing Birds
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Danny Lips: No Reward (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Mika Roth
Mika Roth
Danzig: Lost Tracks
Mikael Salo
Darcasis: This World Is Falling
Aleksi Leskinen
Dargaard: Rise And Fall
Mika Roth
Dark Bottle: Pimee pullo
Mika Roth
Dark Buddha Rising: Mathreyata
Mika Roth
Dark Filth Fraternity: Breathe Again
Ville Kuitunen
Dark Flood: The Dead Lines
Mika Roth
Dark Nova: Sivilla
Toni Lyytikäinen
Dark Order: The Violence Continuum
Mika Roth
Dark Ride Brothers: Join the Ride
Mika Roth
Dark Sanctuary: Cernunnos
Mika Roth
Dark Sanctuary: Exaudi Vocem Meam - Part I
Mika Roth
Dark Sanctuary: Exaudi Vocem Meam – Part II
Mika Roth
Dark Sanctuary: L’être Las – L’envers Du Miroir
Mika Roth
Dark Sanctuary: Les Mémoires Blessées
Mika Roth
Dark Sky: Living & Dying
Toni Lyytikäinen
Dark Suns: Swanlike
Mika Roth
Dark The Suns: In Darkness Comes Beauty
Mika Roth
Dark The Suns: The Dead End (EP)
Mika Roth
Dark Tranquillity: Fiction
Mikko Heimola
Dark Tranquillity: We Are The Void
Aleksi Leskinen
Darkness By Oath: Fear Yourself
Ville Kuitunen
Darkstyle: Whispering Wnoices (EP)
Mika Roth
Darksun: The Dark Side
Toni Lyytikäinen
Darkthrone: F.O.A.D.
Mika Roth
Darkwell: Metat[r]on
Mika Roth
Darlingbee: Darlingbee
Mika Roth
Darlingbee: Vaarallinen uni
Mika Roth
Das Scheit: Superbitch
Mika Roth
Dashing Waves: Rockers International
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dasputnik: Cyclokosmia
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dasputnik: Parapsykosis
Ville Kuitunen
Datarock: Computer Camp Love
Marko Ylitalo
Dauntless: Execute The Fact
Mika Roth
Dave Arcari: Come With Me
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dave Arcari: Got Me Electric
Antti Hurskainen
Dave Forestfield: One Truth Town
Antti Hurskainen
Dave Gahan: Hourglass
Otto Suuronen
Dave Gahan: Paper Monsters
Jari Jokirinne
Dave Lindholm & Otto Donner: More Than 123
Heikki Väliniemi
Dave Lindholm: Ajaton on ajoissa
Heikki Väliniemi
Dave Lindholm: B. Inventive
Heikki Väliniemi
Dave Lindholm: Honolulu +1 Hour
Heikki Väliniemi
Dave Lindholm: Tivoli
Mika Roth
Dave Matthews Band: Europe 2009
Mikko Lamberg
Dave Navarro: Trust No One
Jari Jokirinne
Dave Slave´s Doomed And Disgusting: Satan´s Nightmare
Mika Roth
Dave Stewart: Lucky Numbers
Mika Roth
David Bowie: Blackstar
Heikki Väliniemi
David Bowie: Heathen
Jari Jokirinne
David Bowie: The Next Day
Mika Roth
David Gilmour: Live at Pompeii
Heikki Väliniemi
David Gilmour: On An Island
Mika Roth
David Gilmour: Rattle That Lock
Heikki Väliniemi
David Holmes: The Free Association
Ilkka Valpasvuo
David Karsten Daniels: Sharp Teeth
Kari Koivistoinen
David Kitt: Square 1
Jari Tuomanen
Dawn Delayed: Young Hearts Are Open (EP)
Ilmari Ivaska
Dawn Of Relic: Night On Earth
Mika Roth
Dawn Sessions: The Beginning (EP)
Jani Ekblom
Day Eleven: Almost Over Everything
Miika Jalonen
Day Eleven: Matador
Aleksi Leskinen
Day Eleven: Sleepwalkers
Toni Hietamäki
Day Six: The Grand Design
Tiina Malinen
Daylight Dies: Lost to the Living
Mika Roth
DDT: Иначе/P.S.
Heikki Väliniemi
De Anima: Inner Empty Place (EP)
Mika Roth
De La Soul: And the Anonymous Nobody
Mika Roth
De Lirium`s Order: Diagnosis
Mikko Heimola
De Staat: I_CON
Mika Roth
De Staat: Vinticious Versions
Mika Roth
De Stijl: Details
Marko Ylitalo
Deacon Blue: Believers
Mika Roth
Deacon Blue: Riding on the Tide of Love
Mika Roth
Dead By Gun: Pulse
Jani Ekblom
Dead By You: Strangers In A Parade
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dead End Finland: Slaves to the Greed
Mika Roth
Dead In The Water: Echoes… In The Ruins
Mika Roth
Dead In The Water: Less Days Left Until The Final Rest (EP)
Miika Jalonen
Dead Man In Reno: Dead Man In Reno
Mika Roth
Dead Revolution: Hollow Sounds From The Void
Mika Roth
Dead Revolution: Narrow Gates (EP)
Mika Roth
Dead Serenity: When World Turn to Gray
Mika Roth
Dead Shape Figure: Cacoëthes
Mika Roth
Dead To Me: African Elephants
Tommi Saarikoski
Deadglow: Machine Skin
Mika Roth
Deadlight: Melucine (EP)
Mika Roth
Deadlock: Wolves
Tomas Ojapelto
Deaf Havana: The Present Is A Foreign Land
Mika Roth
Deaf Wish: Lithium Zion
Mika Roth
Dear Moon: Arise
Mika Roth
Dear Reader: Day Fever
Mika Roth
Dear Superstar: Confessions Of A Twisted Mind
Marko Ylitalo
Death Before Disco: Barricades
Mika Roth
Death By Snoo Snoo: Tästä saat!
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Death Cab For Cutie: Plans
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Death Hawks: Death & Decay
Rami Turtiainen
Death Hawks: Death Hawks
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Death In Vegas: Satan’s Circus
Jari Jokirinne
Death Is Death: Death Is Hardest Thing To Do
Mika Roth
Death Valley Girls: Under The Spell of Joy
Mika Roth
Death With A Dagger: Dark Alleys
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Death With A Dagger: On The Edge Of The Unknown
Aleksi Leskinen
Deathbed: Birds Of A Coming Storm
Jani Ekblom
Deathbound: We Deserve Much Worse
Mika Roth
Deathchain: Cult Of Death
Tomas Ojapelto
Deathchain: Death Eternal
Ville Kuitunen
Deathchain: Ritual Death Metal
Mika Roth
Deathlike Silence: Deathlike Silence (EP)
Mika Roth
Deathlike Silence: Saturday Night Evil
Mika Roth
Deathlike Silence: Vigor Mortis
Mika Roth
Deathstars: The Greatest Hits on Earth
Marja Matikainen
Debo Band: Debo Band
Jani Ekblom
Debonair: 365
Mika Roth
Debris Inc.: Debris Inc.
Toni Lyytikäinen
Decline of the I: Inhibition
Mika Roth
Decoy: Burt Russell (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Decrepit Birth: …And Time Begins
Mika Roth
Dee Snider: We Are the Ones
Mika Roth
Dee-Rangers: So Far Out So Good
Jari Jokirinne
Deeds Of Flesh: Reduced To Ashes
Mika Roth
Deep Insight: Deep Insight
Jari Jokirinne
Deep Insight: Ivory Tower
Miika Jalonen
Deep Insight: Red Lights, White Lines
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Deep Insight: Sucker For Love
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Deep Purple: Graz 1975
Mika Roth
Deep Purple: inFinite
Mika Roth
Deep Purple: Long Beach 1971
Mika Roth
Deep Purple: Phoenix Rising
Heikki Väliniemi
Deep Purple: Whoosh!
Mika Roth
Deep River Acolytes: Alchemia Aeterna
Mika Roth
Deep Space Destructors: Psychedelogy
Mika Roth
DEEP: Deepkult
Mika Roth
Deerhoof: Mountain Moves
Mika Roth
Deerhoof: Offend Maggie
Jani Ekblom
Def Leppard: Songs From The Sparkle Lounge
Mika Roth
Defekt: Pete's Game Machine
Tuomas Tiainen
Deftones: Diamond Eyes
Aleksi Leskinen
Deftones: Saturday Night Wrist
Kari Koivistoinen
Defueld: Defueld
Mika Roth
Defuse: Defuse
Mika Roth
Dekapitator: The Storm Before the Calm
Jarmo Panula
Delaney Davidson: Self Decapitation
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Delay Trees: Delay Trees
Otto Suuronen
Delay Trees: Doze
Pietari Raekallio
Delay Trees: Let Go
Mika Roth
Delay Trees: Readymade
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Delay Trees: Soft Construction EP
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Delicate Steve: Till I Burn Up
Mika Roth
Delicious Orange: Respect Monkey Hello (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Delphic: Acolyte
Jari Jokirinne
Delta Force 2: Megamosh 2011
Tommi Saarikoski
Delta Force 2: Personal Vietnam
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Demians: Building An Empire
Mika Roth
Demigod: Let Chaos Prevail
Mika Roth
Demiurg: Slakthus Gamleby
Aleksi Leskinen
Demonic Death Judge: Kneel (EP)
Jani Ekblom
Demonic Death Judge: Seaweed
Mika Roth
Demonic Death Judge: The Descent
Jani Ekblom
Demonic Death Judge: The Trail
Mika Roth
Denata: Art Of The Insane
Mika Roth
Denigrate: Blackguard
Mika Roth
Dennis Brown: You Satisfy My Soul
Olli Loikala
Depeche Mode: Playing The Angel
Mika Roth
Depeche Mode: Sounds Of The Universe
Jari Jokirinne
Depeche Mode: Spirit
Heikki Väliniemi
Deposit Man: Frustrate
Mika Roth
Depressed Mode: Decade of Silence
Mika Roth
Depth Beyond One´s: Red Lines Entwined
Tommi Saarikoski
Der Gerwelt: Human Breed
Mika Roth
Derek Sindel Rock Band: IIII
Mika Roth
Derrida: Vastakirjoituksia
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Descend: Wither
Mika Roth
Descendents: Hypercaffium Spazzinate
Mika Roth
Desert Planet: Extra Ball
Janne Kuusinen
Desert Planet: Joystick Pop
Janne Kuusinen
Desert Planet: Mario Built My Hot Rod
Janne Kuusinen
Desert Planet: Moonrocks
Janne Kuusinen
Desert Planet: Turbo Tellytunes
Janne Kuusinen
Desert Song: Desert Song
Mika Roth
Designers: Designers
Mika Roth
Destination X: Hooligans For Revolution
Miika Jalonen
Destiny Ocean: Peace, Love & Heavy Metal
Mika Roth
Destroyer: ken
Mika Roth
Desyre: Warning of the Night
Ville Kuitunen
Detonation: Emission Phase
Mika Roth
Detonation: Portals To Uphobia
Mika Roth
Detonation: The Epic Defiance
Mika Roth
dEUS: Keep You Close
Jari Jokirinne
dEUS: Pocket Revolution
Jari Jokirinne
Devar: Alternate Endings
Mika Roth
Devastating Light: I Have Already Failed You
Mika Roth
Devil Dog Road: Drive and Out
Mika Roth
Devil Dog Road: Keep Rock'n'Roll Alive
Mika Roth
Devil Dog Road: Next Exit
Mika Roth
Devillac: Three Hours to Coma
Mikko Lamberg
Devils Whorehouse: Blood & Ashes
Mika Roth
Devin Townsend Project: Ki
Tomas Ojapelto
Devin Townsend: Ziltoid the Omniscient
Tomas Ojapelto
DeVotchKa: 100 Lovers
Jari Jokirinne
DeWolff: Thrust
Mika Roth
Dexter Jones Circus Orchestra: If Light Can`t Save Us, I Know Darkness Will
Jari Jokirinne
Dexys: One Day I’m Going to Soar
Mika Roth
Dez Dare: A Billion Goats. A Billion Sparks.
Mika Roth
Dez Dare: Perseus War
Mika Roth
Dez Dare: Ulysses Trash
Mika Roth
DGM: Different Shapes
Jarmo Panula
DGM: Misplaced
Toni Lyytikäinen
Diablo Swing Orchestra: The Butcher´s Ballroom
Mika Roth
Diablo: Eternium
Miika Jalonen
Diablo: Icaros
Mika Roth
Diablo: Mimic47
Mika Roth
Diagrams: Black Light
Pietari Raekallio
Dial: Western Front
Tuomas Tiainen
Diamond Dogs: Up The Rock
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dian: Burn Together
Jani Ekblom
Diana Krall: Wallflower
Heikki Väliniemi
Diaz Jr.: Gradient (demo single)
Mika Roth
Dick Stusso: In Heaven
Mika Roth
DICK: Dangerous Dreams
Mika Roth
Mika Roth
DICK: Second Thoughts
Mika Roth
Die Krupps: Too Much History (2CD)
Mika Roth
Die Oberherren: Die By My Hand
Mika Roth
Die So Fluid: Not Everybody Gets A Happy Ending
Mika Roth
Die So Fluid: Spawn of Dysfunction
Mika Roth
Die So Fluid: The World Is Too Big For One Lifetime
Mika Roth
Diefenbach: Set & Drift
Sami Nissinen
Digitaalimiehet: Digitaalimiehet
Tuomas Tiainen
DIIV: Deceiver
Mika Roth
Dilemma: Toinen puoli (EP)
Mika Roth
Dimension F3H: Does The Pain Excite You?
Mika Roth
Dimi Salo: Lauluja uskaltamisesta
Mika Roth
Dimman: Songs and Tales of Grievance
Mika Roth
Dingo: Live
Mika Roth
Dinner: New York
Mika Roth
Dino Mansik: <3
Tuomas Tiainen
Dino Mansik: Et koskaan oo yksin
Mika Roth
Dino Mansik: Music for Pictures (EP)
Mika Roth
Dinosaur Jr.: Farm
Kari Koivistoinen
Dinosaurusten Pelastajat: Lautalla
Mika Roth
Dioramic: Technicolor
Aleksi Leskinen
Dirty Fingernails: Greetings From Finsbury Park, N4
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dirty Licks: Too Little Too Late
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dirty Pretty Things: Romance At Short Notice
Jari Jokirinne
Dirty Pretty Things: Waterloo To Anywhere
Samuli Ruuskanen
Dirty Projectors: Dirty Projectors
Mika Roth
Dirty Projectors: Highlights From The Getty Address (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dirty Sweet: American Spiritual
Jari Jokirinne
Dirty Trainload: Rising Rust
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dirty Trainload: Trashtown
Jani Ekblom
Disarmonia Mundi: Fragments Of D-Generation
Mika Roth
Discard: Carrion
Mika Roth
Discharge: Discharge
Antti Luukkanen
Disco Ensemble: Back On The MF Street (EP)
Jani Ekblom
Disco Ensemble: First Aid Kit
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Disco Ensemble: Magic Recoveries
Toni Hietamäki
Disco Ensemble: The Island of
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Disco Ensemble: Videotapes/Ghosttown Effect
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Disco Ensemble: Viper Ethics
Jari Jokirinne
Disco Ensemble: Warriors
Tommi Saarikoski
Discordia: On a Thin Rope (EP)
Janne Kuusinen
Discordia: Season Changes
Janne Kuusinen
Discordia: Utopia Perfection
Janne Kuusinen
Discore: Palava
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Discore: Tahdonmurtaja (EP)
Mika Roth
Discoteca Fatale: Synthetic Pleasures
Mika Roth
Disease of the Nation: The Rudum
Tommi Saarikoski
Disfear: Misanthropic Generation
Mika Roth
Disgrace: Born Tired
Jari Jokirinne
Disgrace: Hammer & Nails
Jani Ekblom
Dismal: Miele Dal Salice
Mika Roth
Dismal: Rubino Liquido – Three Scarlet Drops…
Mika Roth
Dismember: Where Ironcrosses Grow
Mika Roth
Disordead: Syntax Terror
Mikko Heimola
Disorder Of Deadeight: The Psychedelic Godly Love Of (7
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Disorder Of Deadeight: Voidkollapse / Tünnelvögel / Boiling Splendour
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Distorted: Voices From Within
Mika Roth
Distral: Prospective Outcome
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Distress: The Mourning Sign
Mika Roth
Dive: Confessions Of The Night
Aki Säkkinen
Dive: Unfortunately Dead (EP)
Mika Roth
Divercia: Cycle Of Zero
Mika Roth
Divine Rapture: The Burning Passion
Mika Roth
Divinity: The Singularity
Aleksi Leskinen
Division Of Laura Lee: Black City
Jari Jokirinne
Divr: Is This Water
Mika Roth
Dizzee Rascal: Showtime
Kari Koivistoinen
Dj Krush: The Message At The Depth
Ilkka Valpasvuo
DJ Polarsoul: Pilvilinna
Tuomas Tiainen
DJ Shadow: Less You Know The Better
Tommi Saarikoski
DJ Shadow: The Private Press
Jari Tuomanen
DJPP: Tuottajalevy
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dobie: The Sound Of One Hand Clapping – Version 2.5
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult: I Declare - Treason
Mika Roth
Doe Paoro: Soft Power
Mika Roth
Dog Days Revolution: Overloaded
Rami Turtiainen
Dog Fashion Disco: The City Is Alive Tonight – Live in Baltimore
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Doghouse Band: Lollipop River
Mika Roth
Dogsafe: Dogsafe
Karri Koskitanner
Doktor Kettu: Soft Delirium
Tuomas Tiainen
Dokumentia: Kakkonen
Mika Roth
Doldrums: The Air Conditioned Nightmare
Mika Roth
Dolls are Creepy: Electric Nightmares
Mika Roth
Dolores O´Riordan: Are You Listening?
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dominia: Divine Revolution
Mikko Heimola
Domovoyd: Oh Sensibility
Mika Roth
Don Huonot: Don Huonot
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Don Huonot: Luurangot laatikossa (boksi)
Heikki Väliniemi
Don Johnson Big Band: Breaking Daylight
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Don Johnson Big Band: Don Johnson Big Band
Otto Kylmälä
Don Johnson Big Band: Midnight Movement
Mika Roth
Don Johnson Big Band: Records Are Forever
Tommi Saarikoski
Don Johnson Big Band: Support de Microphones
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Donavon Frankenreiter: Move By Yourself
Otto Kylmälä
Doom Unit: Cross the Line
Ilkka Kärrylä
Doomfoxx: Doomfoxx
Toni Lyytikäinen
Dope Stars Inc.: 21st Century Slave
Mika Roth
Dornenreich: Durch den Traum
Mika Roth
Dorothy Polonium: Psychoccult
Mika Roth
Dorothy Polonium: Tales by the Pyre
Mika Roth
Doug Martsch: Now You Know
Jari Jokirinne
Doves: Some Cities
Jari Jokirinne
Doves: The Last Broadcast
Jari Jokirinne
Downfall: My Last Prayer
Anne Muhonen
Downstairs: Coward Constrictor Cries For Chivalry (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Downstairs: DWNSTRS
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Downstairs: Oh Father
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Downstairs: Shotgun Hullabaloo (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Doyle Bramhall II: Shades
Mika Roth
Dr Space: Dr Space’s Alien Planet Trip ”Vol.1”
Mika Roth
Dr. Acula: Slander
Jani Ekblom
Dr. Dog: B-Room
Jani Ekblom
Dr. Hammer Inc.: Death From Above
Antti Hurskainen
Dr. John: Locked Down
Jani Ekblom
Drab Majesty: Modern Mirror
Mika Roth
Draconian: Arcane Rain Fell
Mika Roth
Draconian: Where Lovers Mourn
Mika Roth
Dragonforce: Maximum Overload
Mika Roth
Dragonforce: Reaching Into Infinity
Mika Roth
DragonForce: Ultra Beatdown
Jarmo Panula
Dramatuner: Dramatuner (demo-EP)
Mika Roth
Dramatuner: Signal (EP)
Mikko Heimola
Dream Theater: A Dramatic Turn of Events
Mika Roth
Dream Theater: Train Of Thought
Mika Roth
Dreamend: So I Ate Myself, Bite By Bite
Pietari Raekallio
Drifters´ Collective: Cranes In The Rearview
Mika Roth
Drifting Brigade: Drifting Brigade (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Drifting Brigade: II (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Drive-by Truckers: Go-Go Boots
Heikki Väliniemi
Drive-By Truckers: The Big To Do
Jari Jokirinne
Drive: 1st Class Enemy
Miika Jalonen
Drop Forge: Drop Forge
Mika Roth
Drop Forge: Neurogeezer
Mikko Lamberg
Dropkick Murphys: Live On Lansdowne, Boston MA. March 12 - March 17.2009. Seven Shows, Six Nights
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dropkick Murphys: The Meanest Of Times
Jari Jokirinne
Drown Me Blue: Drown Me Blue (EP)
Mika Roth
Drowning Nation: Mouthful Of Shit (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Drowning Nation: Thrown To The Wolves (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Drugdealer: The End of Comedy
Mika Roth
Dubros: Horros
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dude York: Sincerely
Mika Roth
Duff McKagan´s Loaded: The Taking
Juha Tiensuu
Duffy: Endlessly
Jussi Saarinen
Dum Dum Girls: End of Daze (EP)
Mika Roth
Dum Dum Girls: He Gets Me High (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Dum Dum Girls: He Gets Me High (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Dum Dum Girls: I Will Be
Antti Hurskainen
Dum Dum Girls: Only in Dreams
Tuomas Tiainen
Duncan Teleport: A Healthy Obsession (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Duncan Teleport: Silent Sensation (EP)
Teemu Jokelainen
Dungen: Skit i allt
Jani Ekblom
Duo Milla Viljamaa & Johanna Juhola: Piazzolla Passage
Janne Kuusinen
Duran Duran: All You Need Is Now
Heikki Väliniemi
Duran Duran: Astronaut
Jari Jokirinne
Duran Duran: Red Carpet Massacre
Mika Roth
Durand Jones & The Indications: Private Space
Mika Roth
Dusha Pitera: Goryachie finskie parni
Rami Turtiainen
Dusk of Delusion: (F)unfair
Mika Roth
Dusk: Jahilia
Mika Roth
Dust Eater Dogs: Hardbiter’s Inn
Mika Roth
Dust Eater Dogs: Motoroil
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dust Mountain: Hymns for Wilderness
Mika Roth
Dutch Uncles: Cadenza
Jari Jokirinne
DWNSTRS: Cerebral Drag
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dxxxa D & Hzzzt: Tunteet ja käteinen
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dxxxa D & Nukkehallitus: Katoa tai katoat
Tommi Saarikoski
Dxxxa D & The Boys: Sydänten taksikuski
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Dying Daylight: Luminous Dreams
Mika Roth
Dying Fetus: War Of Attrition
Mika Roth
Dying Tears: Spleen & Hope
Mika Roth
Dynamo: IV
Mika Roth
Dysrhythmia: Barriers and Passages
Mikko Heimola
Dälek: Abandoned Language
Tomas Ojapelto
Dö: Astral Death Cult
Mika Roth
Dö: Tuho
Mika Roth
Dö: Unversum
Mika Roth
D´AccorD: Helike
Rami Turtiainen
Dÿse: Lieder sind Brüder der Revolution
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Alueella tällä hetkellä 9380 levyarviota.
Levyarviot esittäjän nimen mukaan.